Educational program

Educational program

Museum education programs

Museum Educational Programs are recommended for children between 5 and 15 years old, with groups of up to 30 people, accompanied by a teacher.

The program for preschoolers is 30 minutes long and 45 minutes for schoolchildren. The sessions are held in the museum building and garden, led by qualified museum educators. After a prior appointment, please complete the online application form.

Cost of museum education programs: 250 HUF /person/activities.

For educational institutions in Tiszafüred are free of charge.

Summertime: From 1st May until 30st September
Monday closed
Tuesday 10-12 and 14-16
Wednesday 10-12 and 14-16
Thursday 10-12 and 14-16
Friday 10-12 and 14-16
Saturday 10-12 and 14-16
Sunday closed
Adults 500 Ft
Students and seniors  250 Ft
Guided tour 2000 Ft
Photo ticket 1000 Ft

50% discount: student, pensioner aged 62-70, two close relatives and at least two children under 18.

5350 Tiszafüred, Tariczky sétány 8.

Phone.: +36-59-352-106


Legyél Te is gazda és gazdasszony! – kalandos felfedezőnap a 19. századi Tiszafüreden
Museum Educational Program

Let´s become a farmer!

Let´s become a farmer! - An adventurous day exploring the everyday life of the 19th century

Optional educational programs:

  • Living History and Guided Tour in the country house
  • Craft activities
  • Revival of folk games, customs, holidays

Optional craft activities<:b>

  • Weaving, spinning, embroidery
  • Clay, potter's wheel
  • Making folk toys from natural materials
  • Making hungarian national symbol